Pool Cues, Meucci, all Meucci Cues and pool sticks for Shooters and players alike, cue and case discounts on all cues.

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Meucci's web site

meuccilogo3.GIF (7180 bytes) This Cue Is For sale  $750.00  Call!

The Special Edition 6 VI This cue had inlays of crushed turquoise in the butt and forearm points with vertical lines of blue and ended on the top& bottom with ivorine rectangles. The points were of ebony ivorine and inlayed in birdseye maple forarm. Thes cues were quite popular and came originally with only 1 shaft. We feel these cues in fine condition are worth from $500-$700 if you posess a lower production number lower than 10 we may add 100-150 to the value of this cue..

APPROX VALUE TODAY IN 90-99% condition is 800-1000.+ deduct for damage and aging plus these cues bring more or less in different markets..

se-6butt.jpg (42944 bytes)

                             se-6 forearm011.jpg (33820 bytes)


04/09/2009 This page was updated and is monitored by webstat systems worldwide Y.T.B.

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Site Maintained By Our Staff At Discount Pool Cues  sales@cuesight.com

Pool Cues, Meucci, all Meucci Cues and pool sticks for Shooters and players alike, cue and case discounts on all cues.