Pool Cues, Meucci, all Meucci Cues and pool sticks for Shooters and players alike, cue and case discounts on all cues.

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meuccilogo3.GIF (7180 bytes) Special Edition #8 For more information about this cue send e-mail to sales@cuesight.com

This cue was produced in approx 1993 and is the Special Edition #8   with the ivorine points and oval inlays of mother of pearl and ebony stone, forearm of birdseye maple and white ivorine butt cap.All these cues were numbered and there were 500 of these made.

meuccise8wholecue.JPG (81888 bytes) 

  meuccise8forearm.JPG (65681 bytes)





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Pool Cues, Meucci, all Meucci Cues and pool sticks for Shooters and players alike, cue and case discounts on all cues.